OpenTypeOsobní použití
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>Poznámka autora
Lusican font by vesvostudio is a modern calligraphy font designed in a cool serif style. The sophisticated font carries an elegant outcome that is time-saving for those who use it in their creative scene. Skillfully executed, the refined and professional-looking typeface will make audiences fall in love with tender designs that stand out.
Lusican free serif font can be used for branding, refined packaging design, or editorial work. It’s perfect for wedding invites or greeting cards as well as stationery items that would look best with this nice typography. Think of using it on blogs, feminine beauty products, logos and social media posts to attract likes.
You will receive:
32 special ligatures in Lusican OTF.
This type family has been a true labor of love, crafted to be as accessible as possible and a pleasure to use. I sincerely hope you enjoy it!
If you have any questions or custom license inquiries, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Have fun creating!
Warm regards,
Lusican free serif font can be used for branding, refined packaging design, or editorial work. It’s perfect for wedding invites or greeting cards as well as stationery items that would look best with this nice typography. Think of using it on blogs, feminine beauty products, logos and social media posts to attract likes.
You will receive:
32 special ligatures in Lusican OTF.
This type family has been a true labor of love, crafted to be as accessible as possible and a pleasure to use. I sincerely hope you enjoy it!
If you have any questions or custom license inquiries, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Have fun creating!
Warm regards,
>Tabulka znaků
Prosím, použijte roletové menu ke shlédnutí různých tabulek znaků obsažených v tomto písmu.

Základní informace o písmu
Rodina písma
Podrodina písma
Jednoznačné označení podrodiny
Celý název písma
Verze tabulky názvu
Version 1.018;Fontself Maker 3.5.7
Postscriptový název písma
Yuge Afrianto
Preferovaná rodina
Preferovaná podrodina
Rozšířené informace o písmu
Podporované platformy
MicrosoftPouze BMP Unicode
Podrobnosti o písmu
Počet znaků195
Jednotek na Em1000
Práva pro vkládáníVložení pro trvalou instalaci
Rodinná třídaBez klasifikace
VáhaStředně tenké
ŠířkaStředné (normální)
Mac styleTučné
SměrJen znaky směrovány zleva doprava + obsahují neutrály